About Us
Established many years ago the Somerset and Wiltshire Land Rover Club is a way for enthusiasts to meet on a monthly basis and use their beloved vehicles for the purpose they were designed and built!
We run competitions every second Sunday of the month and all are welcome - either as spectators or participants.
The competitions are divided into two categories - RTV & CCV. RTV is designed for all Road Taxed Vehicles and is essentially a non-damaging drive over a tough and challenging course, pitted against similar vehicles. The CCV or Cross-Coutry Vehicle class is much more challenging and may cause damage, the vehicles which take part in this are invariably specialised and the drivers are invariably a bit... well...
The club is very much a family and as such all are welcome, but we have strict rules about who can compete and age limits for passengers and drivers. These are designed with your safety in mind, but if you want more information get in touch before you come down.
Why not come along to an event, try spectating (even that can get muddy!) and marvel at just what these machines can do. Then, if you like what you see, why not join and we will support you as far as possible to make sure you have a fun and enjoyable challenge with us.
PLEASE check the guidance page before turning up expecting to trial for the first time!